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New Kitchen...Nah, kitchen makeover!

We moved into our prefect home, house of our dreams, never want to move again...all that fluffy stuff. Except one thing. The kitchen was awful. I spend so much time in my kitchen that it was driving me mad, I'd go as far to say the colour of it was depressing me on a daily basis. Sunny day, rainy day, cloudy day, snowy day, whatever the weather it was bad bad bad.

Here it is, so you understand...

You know what its like when you put every last penny into buying the place, we couldn't afford a new one, couldn't afford new doors even but we could afford abit paint! So after ALOT of research i came across Sophie Robinsons Blog where she talked about painting her her kitchen in her first home. So without further a do i started planning, ordered the primer, choose the paint, watched all the tutorials and organised my mum to come down to entertain the kids while i got roller happy.

I used this primer and its a-mazing. Its expensive, weird to use (goes on like glue) but worth every penny. I will use this time and time again.

The kitchen needed a big lift and some interest adding, so I choose to do 3 colours for the cuboards. Large areas and bottom cuboards in Deep Gauz, Smaller top cuboards in Loft White, Island and draws under the hob in Juniper Ash, all by Little Greene Paint Co.

I sugar scrubbed the cuboards then without sanding i used a brush for the primer, then small foam rollers for the painting and the finish is really great (even if i do say so myself).

4 coats on everything (16 hours drying time per coat) and it was finished!

Oh and some new shelving and feature lighting to finish off...



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